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Impressions of an Indian village » rural housholds
IMG_2800 IMG_2778 IMG_2775 IMG_2774 _MG_2793 IMG_2860 IMG_2855 IMG_2857 IMG_2777 IMG_2847
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IMG_2800  [1 von 11]

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ExhibitPlus IMG_2800 Posing proudly infront of the door
Posing proudly infront of the door

DATEINAME: IMG_2800.JPG  |  DATUM: 01.04.2007  |  KAMERA: Canon (Canon DIGITAL IXUS 40)  |  AUFLÖSUNG: 2272 x 1704  |  NATIVE BRENNWEITE: 5.8mm (35mm Brennweite: 36mm)  |  BLITZ: Flash did not fire, auto  |  BELICHTUNGSDAUER: 1/400 sec  |  MESSUNGSMODUS: Multi-segment  |  BELICHTUNGSMODUS: Auto exposure  |  ÖFFNUNG: F2.8  |  ISO EINSTELLUNG: Auto

IMG_2800 IMG_2778 IMG_2775 IMG_2774 _MG_2793 IMG_2860 IMG_2855 IMG_2857 IMG_2777 IMG_2847
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